House Rules
Please abide by the following rules when visiting L'Atelier de T&S
1) L'Atelier de T&S is a grown up shop, purchases reserved to ladies & gentlemen
over the age of 21. In doubt we will check your ID!
2) The host(ess) decides if you get in. No if’s, and’s or but’s…...
3) We have a zero-drug policy…we will call the police
if you are using and/or selling drugs in or around L'Atelier de T&S.
4) Respect other guests, do unto others as you would have others do unto you!
5) Dress to impress…Of course we like you just the way you are… but neat ;-)
6) Have Fun!
7) NO glassware allowed outside!
8) Don’t steal! Thieves will be hunted down and publicly humiliated.
This may or may not include posting camera images on the internet…
9) Respect our staff…we are here to serve you…we are not your servants.
Sounds similar…big difference! Say please and thank you!
10) Management is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
11) Laugh, giggle and be silly!
12) Know your limits and try not to over-indulge…
13) Respect our neighbours…noise travels upwards in the alley!
Please try and keep this in mind when entering/leaving the premises.
14) Come back soon! ;)